On Code
Friday, July 28

[ ]  13 Great Firefox Extensions for Web Professionals
13 Great Firefox Extensions for Web Professionals: "Like most web developers or SEO professionals, I use a vast array of tools to get the job done. I use a combination of desktop and web applications, some purchased and some free. Everyone I know has downloaded a free copy of Mozilla Firefox, but few realize that by installing some of the 1,500 free extensions they can eliminate the need for most of the other applications they currently use. Below are my 13 favorite extensions for web professionals (in no particular order):"
Tuesday, July 25

[ ]  viksoe.dk - OLE DB Provider for XML
viksoe.dk - OLE DB Provider for XML

(found this)
While researching how I could generate data reports for a project, I found myself needing access to XML with a regular database interface. After looking for a solution on the Internet, I found to my surprise that I had only two options:
  • Use the Simple Provider or SQLXML from Microsoft. For some reason this requires a MS SQL Server.
  • Purchase an XML ODBC Driver from Merant, which comes with a price-tag of $2,500 for a server license (who are they kidding?)
None of these options were very compelling, especially because all I needed was to retrieve a few nodes and deliver the result to a reporting utility. So after carefully planning a design, I (bjarke@viksoe.dk) wrote my own OLE DB Provider for XML.